
UB-Darkhan road contractors at risk of losing contract due to delays

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UB-Darkhan road contractors at risk of losing contract due to delays

The 204.11-kilometer road between Ulaanbaatar and Darkhan-Uul Province is undergoing repairs and is planned for commission in November. However, two months into the project, executors have completed less than a quarter of scheduled works.

Minister of Roads and Transport Development B.Enkh-Amgalan held an expanded meeting with project executors, advisers, project coordinator, and other participants on August 28. Prime minister’s adviser J.Bat-Erdene, Deputy Minister of Roads and Transport Development L.Khaltar, Head of the ministry’s Road Policy Implementation and Coordination Department D.Dorjkhand, and Head of Road and Transport Development Center R.Bud attended the meeting.

Executors told the minister that the project’s work packages 2 and 4 are progressing slower than expected due to recent heavy rainfall and other complications. In response, B.Enkh-Amgalan ordered China State Construction Mongolia LLC, which is in charge of these work packages, to intensify its activities within the next five days. He warned that he will terminate the tender contract with China State Construction Mongolia and if required, impose a penalty if no progress is made.

The minister underscored the importance of Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan-Uul road for transit transportation between Mongolia, China and Russia.

Project executors promised to open the road by November.

Companies in charge of work packages 1, 3 and 5 reported that they are working in two shifts 24 hours a day and that even with an adjusted schedule they are facing 18 days of delay due to heavy rainfall.

At the end of the meeting, Minister B.Enkh-Amgalan reminded executors to pay special attention to road quality and make sure to open the road on time. He told heads of relevant agencies to resolve any problems faced during the road construction in accordance with the law.

Update on work packages of the project to renew road between Ulaanbaatar and Darkhan-Uul Province

  • Package 1: As of August 25, executors completed 27.9 percent of construction work for the 37.26-kilometer road between the intersection splitting to the western region and Khar Modot Davaa. A total of 244 people are working on this section with 107 vehicles and machinery.
  • Package 2: Executors completed 18.9 percent of road work from Khar Modot Davaa to Urikhan (45.5 kilometers). A total of 154 people are working on this section with 57 vehicles and machinery.
  • Package 3: Executors completed 32.31 percent of road work from Urikhan to Sumber intersection (45.74 kilometers). A total of 222 people are working on this section with 118 vehicles and machinery.
  • Package 4: Executors completed 16.72 percent of road work from Sumber intersection to Tsaidam Valley (45.08 kilometers). A total of 56 people are working on this section with 47 vehicles and machinery.
  • Package 5: Executors completed 30.58 percent of road work from Tsaidam Valley to Darkhan roundabout (30.53 kilometers). A total of 108 people are working on this section with 74 vehicles and machinery.