
Complaint lodged over social media ‘rumors’ regarding MPP campaign funding

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Complaint lodged over social media ‘rumors’ regarding MPP campaign funding

        On May 25, the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) held a press briefing on their election fundraising campaign.

Media representative of MPP U.Zolbayar said, “In accordance with the Law on Elections of Mongolia, we are following the direction of raising election funds through donations.”

“The donation account was announced to the public last Saturday. The resolution of the board of MPP was forged illegally and deliberately distributed online last Friday. MPP issued an official statement and denied this.”

“There rumors on social media regarding MPP spread deliberately about extorting large sums of money from its candidates. In accordance with the law, the chairman of MPP instructed all levels of organizations and candidates to receive donations and raise funds within a certain period of time,” he added.

He noted that a complaint was lodged to the law enforcement agencies to investigate it.

MPP candidate Kh.Bulgantuya said, "As you know, MPP is going to nominate as many educated young people as possible in the 2020 parliamentary election. In this election, we supported and nominated doctors, and banking and financial personnel. We have received at least 1,000 and 5,000 MNT from members in support of our campaign. Candidates will soon announce their donation accounts."