
Deputy speakers of Parliament appointed

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Deputy speakers of Parliament appointed

Parliament convened to establish political party caucuses in Parliament and appointed standing committees on July 1.

The Act of Parliament stipulates, “A party or coalition that has won at least eight seats in Parliament shall establish a caucus.” A party caucus shall include only members who have been officially nominated by the party or coalition, and the group leader will be elected from among its members and will inform the speaker of Parliament in writing.

In accordance with the law, the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP), which won 62 seats in the 2020 parliamentary election, formed a caucus in Parliament and elected lawmaker D.Togtokhsuren as chairman of the caucus.

Lawmaker D.Ganbat was chosen as chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) caucus, which won 11 seats in Parliament. From 2012 to 2016, he served as member of Parliament and chaired the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs.


Lawmakers approved a resolution on approval of standing committees’ composition on the same day.

In accordance with the Act of Parliament, a standing committee is responsible for preliminary review of bills and other decisions of Parliament submitted by a lawmaker, submitting them to plenary session, exercising the control of Parliament, and drafting resolutions of Parliament on issues specified in law.

The law stipulates eight standing committees, including security and foreign policy; environment, food and agriculture; education, culture, science and sports; social policy; state structure; budget; legal affairs; and economy.

A standing committee can consist of 15 to 19 members, and a member can serve on no more than two standing committees at a time.

Speaker of Parliament G.Zandanshatar introduced the draft resolution on approving the composition of the standing committees of Parliament.

Lawmakers Kh.Nyambaatar and Ts.Davaasuren expressed their views on this resolution.

The majority of the lawmakers supported the resolution and approved the composition of the standing committees.

Moreover, Parliament approved appointments of T.Ayursaikhan nominated by MPP and S.Odontuya nominated by DP as deputy speakers of Parliament, with a majority of the lawmakers voting in favor of the new appointments.

S.Odontuya was elected to Parliament two times. She has a master’s degree in international business management.

T.Ayursaikhan has a PhD in economic management. He was elected as a member of Parliament in 2016 and 2020.