
New government to have 17 ministers and 14 ministries

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New government to have 17 ministers and 14 ministries

During its session on July 7, Parliament approved the amendment to the government structure and composition.

The government will have 14 ministries, including the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, Ministry of Energy, and Ministry of Health.

Introducing the government’s structure and composition, Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh said, “The new government structure takes into account the stability, continuity, historical traditions and development trends of public policy. On this basis, the relevant bill will reorganize the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports to eliminate duplication of functions, define the scope and sectors, allocate resources, and formulate state policy.”

The prime minister said that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports was divided into the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture.

The prime minister considered that it will increase the opportunities for effective implementation of state policies in the fields of culture, science and education, and create, preserve and restore cultural values, develop the education system, and organize effective management of science, technology and innovation projects and programs.

Without a ministry of sports, the Physical Culture and Sports Authority will oversee matters of sports.

Regarding the composition of the government, U.Khurelsukh proposed to appoint 17 ministers in his Cabinet.

On the same day, President Kh.Battulga sent an official letter to Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh with a proposal to discuss the structure and composition of the government.

The president issued a proposal on the bill on amendments to the government structure and composition, submitted by the prime minister on July 2. In particular, the president proposed to incorporate the national development policy and planning into the responsibility of the deputy prime minister of Mongolia, consolidate the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry and
the Ministry of Energy to establish a ministry of mineral resources and energy with a general function, separate the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, and consolidate the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development and the Ministry of Roads and Transportation into a ministry of infrastructure.

Before ratification of the amendment to the government structure and composition, during the meeting, the Standing Committee on State Structure supported to pass on the proposed government structure and composition for parliamentary review.

The parliamentary draft resolution on approval of the general scheme of the system and structure of the public administration provides for 12 government regulatory agencies and 23 implementing agencies.

The bill on amendment to the government structure and composition and other draft resolutions received support of 94.7 percent from the members of the standing committee.


During its plenary session on July 6, Parliament supported the bill on amendments to the government structure and composition for initial discussion.

Lawmaker D.Togtokhsuren introduced the proposals and conclusion issued by the Standing Committee on State Structure. In this regard, some members expressed their views. In particular, lawmaker Ts.Davaasuren said, “Due to the establishment of the Ministry of Culture, it is necessary to disband the Department of Culture and Arts and the State Property Committee, and establish a structure in charge of economic issues with the help of the top specialists in the field.”

Emphasizing that the government needs to pay special attention to increase employment, lawmaker M.Oyunchimeg said, “The structure of Cabinet Secretariat should be reviewed to ensure that it can handle the workload.”

Member of Parliament T.Dorjkhand noted that the world is in a difficult situation. He clarified the policy research on the Ministry of Culture and said that the government needs to pay attention to technology and innovation at the level of government structure and composition.