
Local Government Subcommittee approves action plan

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Local Government Subcommittee approves action plan

     The Subcommittee on Local Government approved its main directions and action plan on December 2.

The subcommittee is responsible for the composition of the Standing Committee on State Structure, local self-government, formation, development, management, organization, and legal regulation of local government and reviewing issues related to local governments.

Chairman of the subcommittee Yo.Baatarbileg introduced the main directions, scope and general action plan of the subcommittee to be implemented from 2020 to 2021, and said that within the framework of the Act of Parliament and other relevant legislation, the Subcommittee on Local Government has developed its action plan.

Within the scope of its responsibilities, the subcommittee plans to hold an e-meeting with the chairs of local councils to discuss the draft revision of the Law on Administrative and Territorial Units and Their Management.

Noting that in the framework of the 30th anniversary of local governments, it is possible to organize scientific conferences, discussions and campaigns to promote the law in provinces, Yo.Baatarbileg said, “In particular, the action plan includes five regional meetings of the Local Government Subcommittee in an online and other formats to cooperate with local councils in all levels. In addition, there is an opportunity to organize scientific conferences, meetings and events in cooperation with NGOs, scholars and researchers working in the field of local self-governance and local government.”

Lawmaker G.Ganbold proposed to align the activities of the subcommittee with the activities of non-governmental organizations such as the Local Government Association and Bag and Soum Association, and expressed his view that the discussion of the draft revision of the Law on Administrative and Territorial Units and Their Management of Mongolia should reflect the views and experience of representatives of the local councils at different levels.

Expressing his support for the subcommittee’s action plan, lawmaker J.Sukhbaatar said that its activities should be based on the principle of partnership.

At the end of the meeting, a resolution on main directions, scope and general action plan of the Subcommittee on Local Government for 2020-2021 was approved unanimously.