
Justice ministry to cooperate with NHRCM to monitor human rights

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Justice ministry to cooperate with NHRCM to monitor human rights

During their meeting on February 22, the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM) and Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs Kh.Nyambaatar exchanged views on human rights issues in the country.

The minister expressed his readiness to implement the National Human Rights Program in Mongolia in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Vision-2050 development policy to monitor legislation related to human rights passed by Parliament, to improve the reporting mechanism of international human rights treaties and conventions, and to cooperate with the National Council for Crime Prevention in the field of prevention of human rights violations.

Minister Kh.Nyambaatar said that the government of Mongolia aims to create a legal environment that respects human rights, supports e-government, and regulates technologically safe and appropriate relations. In this regard, bills on cyber security, electronic signatures, information transparency and protection of personal information are in development, and the ministry is receiving comments from relevant ministries, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the public.

During the meeting, member of the NHRCM J.Khunan said, “The adoption of the revised Law on the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia in 2020 expanded the role of the commission and created a national mechanism for the prevention of torture.”

They agreed to work together to prevent human rights abuses, such as children’s rights violation, domestic violence, discrimination and prosecution, to co-organize training for military personnel serving at as border guards, to create a conducive training environment, and to develop training materials.

Minister Kh.Nyambaatar expressed his readiness to continue discussions and cooperation with the NHRCM in the field of monitoring of the implementation of laws and human rights, and providing forensic and legal assistance to indigent people.