
Female lawmakers seek amendments to Child Protection Law

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Female lawmakers seek amendments to Child Protection Law

On March 8, female lawmakers S.Odontuya, D.Sarangerel, M.Oyunchimeg, A.Adiyasuren, P.Anujin, B.Bayarsaikhan, Kh.Bulgantuya, B.Jargalmaa, G.Munkhtsetseg, Ts.Munkhtsetseg, D.Unurbolor, B.Saranchimeg and Ch.Undram handed over draft amendments to the Law on Child Protection and the Law on Promotion of Gender Equality to Speaker of Parliament G.Zandanshatar.

New regulations were reflected in the draft amendment to the Law on Child Protection, such as budget allocations and expenditures for child protection services, methodologies for calculating costs, and amendments to regulations.

In accordance with the amendment, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and its agencies shall be responsible for providing child protection services, employing full-time social workers, providing state policy, regulation, management and methodology, and allocation and spending of child protection services at the local level.

The bill initiators believe that the amendment will strengthen the child protection system, define the structure and functions of government organizations at all levels, diversify child protection services, improve their quality and accessibility, and reach every child in need at a professional level.

The amendment to the Law on Promotion of Gender Equality aims to prevent sexual, emotional and physical abuse in the workplace, to create an environment of zero tolerance for violence, to include procedures for resolving employee complaints in internal labor norms, and to develop and implement trainings and programs to build relationships that are free of physical, psychological and sexual harassment.

The bill initiators noted that according to a survey, one in five women in Mongolia experience sexual harassment at work, and there is also gender discrimination in labor relations.

The draft amendment includes provisions to create a new system to stop and prevent them.