
‘MPP will focus on improving Oyu Tolgoi agreement’

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‘MPP will focus on improving Oyu Tolgoi agreement’

On March 15, the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) caucus in Parliament convened to discuss some bills to be discussed at the plenary session.

Chairman of the caucus D.Togtokhsuren said, “Parliament will focus on four key issues during the spring session. First, it is necessary to start implementing legal reforms within the framework of the constitutional amendments. In particular, the Law on State and Local Property, Law on the Legal Status of the Capital City, Towns and Villages, Law on Political Parties, Law on Presidential Election and Law on the National Wealth Fund will be discussed and approved during the plenary session.”

“Second, laws aimed at ensuring human rights, social justice and the independence of the judiciary will be passed. Third, we will focus on increasing the functions of Parliament. Although certain powers of Parliament were curtailed under the constitutional amendment, the role of oversight was increased. This will be clarified at the spring session. Fourth, we will work to ensure the implementation of parliamentary resolution related to the Oyu Tolgoi agreement,” he said.

During the meeting, the caucus supported to appoint lawmaker J.Munkhbat as chairman of the Standing Committee on State Structure. Former Chairman of the standing committee L.Enkh-Amgalan was appointed as minister of education and science.