
Draft amendment to Education Law submitted

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Draft amendment to Education Law submitted

Lawmakers J.Bat-Erdene and G.Temuulen handed over a draft amendment to the Law on Education to Speaker of Parliament G.Zandanshatar on March 19.

The bill initiators emphasized that the bill aims to keep the education sector free from politics and party affiliation and to put it in the right system.

Parliamentarian G.Temuulen said, “In accordance with the amendment to the Law on Education approved in 2017, directors of school and kindergarten of province, soum, capital city and district are appointed by relevant governors. The appointments are made by political officials, which creates politicization. Therefore, the appointment will be made by the line ministries and professional organizations.”

“After each political election, the issue of changing the management of 672 schools and 948 kindergartens in the education sector, or a total of 1,620 educational institutions, is raised. As a result, the replacement of directors affects the interests of more than 70,000 teachers,” he added.


On the same day, Deputy Prime Minister S.Amarsaikhan handed over a draft amendment to the Law on Government Special Funds, draft revision of the Law on Legal Assistance and bills on controlling the circulation of alcohol and combating alcoholism and ratification of the Tenth Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union.

The deputy prime minister noted that the draft amendment to the Law on Government Special Funds was developed to establish a fund for children to support the development and participation of children and teenagers, and to create a legal environment to reward children who succeed in international cultural, artistic and sports competitions.

The bill defines the purpose of the fund and its development. The draft amendment states that it will be funded by auctions for state license plates, donations and grants from foreign countries, international organizations, individuals and legal entities to support children’s development, cultural and artistic performances and sporting events.

In accordance with the draft amendment, the government will approve procedures for spending and monitoring its funds.

The draft revision of the Law on Legal Assistance clarifies the grounds for refusal to provide legal assistance, the right to appeal in case of disagreement with decision of refusal, and the responsibilities of citizens and law enforcement agencies. It defines the structure, organization and functions of legal aid organizations, and clarifies the legal status, working conditions, guarantees and other related issues of a state attorney.

The bill initiators believe that an integrated legal aid system and database should be established by harmonizing the existing formal and informal legal aid systems for indigent people. 

The bill on controlling the circulation of alcohol and combating alcoholism with 7 chapters and 45 articles was developed to regulate relations related to production, import, sale, service, consumption of alcohol, fight against alcoholism and prevention of alcoholism.

It stipulates that a permit to import alcohol will be issued for a period of three years by the state central administrative body in charge of food in accordance with regulations approved by the government.