
Disciplinary action taken against 371 state employees last year

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Disciplinary action taken against 371 state employees last year

The Civil Service Council submitted its last year’s report to Parliament. The revised Law on Civil Service came into force in 2020, and there is an expectation that the results will be high and positive, not only for legislators but also for the public.

According to the report, there are 205,000 employees in 4,147 government organizations, an increase of 3.3 percent from 2019. This means that 6.3 percent of our population is a civil servant. Compared to the post-election results in 2012, the number of ministries decreased from 16 to 14, but the number of government agencies increased by eight to 24. Political employees increased by 1.5 percent, state special servants by 17.9 percent, administrative staff by 7.7 percent, while service staff decreased by 1.3 percent.

The report also states that 2,078 people over the age of 60 are working in civil service, with 61.6 percent of them being women, which is an increase of 0.8 percent from the previous year, the highest increase in 10 years. Furthermore, the average age of civil servants is 40, an increase of 1.6 years from 2020.

The proportion of women in local government employment is higher than the national average, with 76 percent in Orkhon Province, 75 percent in Darkhan-Uul Province, and 74 percent in Umnugovi and Selenge provinces. However, three of the heads of 36 agencies, four of the heads of 21 provincial and capital city mayor’s offices, and only one of the nine district mayor’s offices are women, according to the report.

Moreover, according to the report of the Ethics Council established under the Law on Civil Service, 1,422 servants committed violations. This is a decrease of 4.8 percent compared to the previous year.

In particular, there were 37 cases of alcohol abuse in the course of official duties and in the workplace. The report emphasized that ethics of relevant officials of the Constitutional Court, courts of all levels, prosecutors, armed forces, emergency services, state special protection, police, court decision enforcement, customs and forensic organizations are regulated by the relevant law and regulations, but the procedure for accountability is different.

Disciplinary action was taken against 371 state employees, and 48.6 percent of them were subject to 20 percent deduction of salary. It was also found that two people who served criminal sentences held the position of mayor and one held a senior position in a public service organization.

According to the report, some local council members were illegally appointed to senior positions in the civil service after the local elections.

The report provided some evidence of compensation for damages to the state, but did not provide details on how much.