
Election registration for citizens living abroad to commence tomorrow

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Election registration for citizens living abroad to commence tomorrow

Citizens living abroad must register in person or by mail at their respective diplomatic mission to vote in the presidential election starting from tomorrow until May 9. Their votes will be collected on May 30 and 31, and the counting will be conducted together with the voters in Mongolia.

Voters can check their registration on the website of the General Authority for State Registration.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, branch election commissions with 187 staff were established in 30 countries.

In accordance with its legal duties, the ministry must ensure the preparation of elections, provide methodological advice to the staff of diplomatic missions abroad, and provide information to its citizens through them.

The Law on Presidential Elections stipulates that the state central administrative body in charge of foreign affairs and its sub-commissions shall be responsible for providing the Central Commission with jobs, conditions and opportunities at its diplomatic missions abroad.

The Central Commission is responsible for organizing the voting process under the direct supervision of the General Election Commission (GEC). The branch commission will be under the direct supervision of the Central Commission. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is paying special attention to the timely delivery of ballots, as there are no direct flights due to the pandemic.

Before the deadline set by the Law on Presidential Election, or May 1, the GEC established the Central Commission with head, secretary and seven members to organize, manage and monitor the polling of citizens abroad, and committees of provinces and capital city.

Provinces and capital city election committees shall plan the organization of elections within their respective territories, organize polling in accordance with the law, and submit results and relevant documents in accordance with the procedures approved by the GEC.

In addition, a total of 339 election committees were established in soums and districts. By May 10, 2,087 section committees should be established. Election committees will employ 21,354 civil servants and service personnel. In addition, an information technology team of more than 2,600 people will ensure the reliability and safety of election equipment and counting equipment.

One of the new provisions in the Law on Presidential Election state is that head of province, capital city, soum, and district election committees will be the head of the local mayor’s office or their deputy. The committees must include representatives of the respective level police and state registration authorities.

The polling day is scheduled for June 9, 2021.