
Constitutional Court conclusion preventing president’s reelection supported

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Constitutional Court conclusion preventing president’s reelection supported

During its meeting on April 20, the Standing Committee on Justice supported the conclusion of the Constitutional Court of April 16, which states that Articles 3.1.2 and 5.4 of the Law on Presidential Election violated the Constitution of Mongolia.

The court ruled that it is unconstitutional that the Law on the Presidential Election does not specifically prohibit former presidents and the current president from running for re-election.

During the meeting, independent lawmaker N.Altankhuyag stressed that six months before an election, it is prohibited to amend the Law on Election, but the majority party is trying to amend it.

Legislator N.Enkhbold noted that the conclusion of the Constitutional Court is being discussed in accordance with the law.

Head of the standing committee S.Byambatsogt said, “At the time of the adoption of the constitutional amendment, the provisions related to president were initially agreed to come into force on July 1, 2025. During the discussion, former head of the President’s Office Z.Enkhbold proposed to enforce them starting May 25, 2020. It was supported by the majority. At the time, we understood that former presidents and current president can be re-elect. However, during the implementation of the law, the Constitutional Court considered the complaint of citizens and concluded that it violated the Constitution.”

Expressing his support for the conclusion, parliamentarian Ts.Munkh-Orgil noted, “The initiators of the constitutional amendment added new provisions, which state that a president is elected only once every six years. The effective date of this provision was originally set to be July 1, 2025. This provision was removed. If it had been approved, there would not be such problem today. The court’s conclusion is correct as it is clear that the legislature changed the term.”