
DP sets presidential candidate criteria

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DP sets presidential candidate criteria

On April 21, the National Policy Committee of the Democratic Party (DP) convened virtually and set the criteria for a candidate who will run from the party in the presidential election.

Member of the committee O.Magnai reported that in the criteria for a candidate for president of Mongolia, DP reflected its ideology and principles.

He said, “I see this as a new culture in Mongolian politics. The DP candidate for the president of Mongolia shall adhere to the following principles. First, no proposals or initiatives will be made against individual rights and freedoms. Second, no initiative to speak out against private property will be made. Third, the candidate must be a defender of the parliamentary system, which is the fundamental idea of the 1992 Constitution. Fourth, no proposal to reinstate the death penalty will be made. Fifth, the candidate must adhere to the policy of the third neighbor.”

“A candidate who can represent Mongolian unity and respect the Mongolian script, must have knowledge of at least two foreign languages. Moreover, the source of income capitalized under the law must be clear,” he added.

The DP candidate for president of Mongolia shall have the following responsibilities.

• Do not block people on social media.

• Information on work and family must be transparent.

• To be a person with a high sense of human rights.

• To be a supporter of volunteerism.

• To strictly adhere to the principle of gender equality in the workplace.