
Parliament considers welfare for stay-at-home fathers caring for children

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Parliament considers welfare for stay-at-home fathers caring for children

During its plenary session on April 29, Parliament discussed the draft amendment to the Law on Allowances for Mothers and Single Mothers with Many Children developed in connection with the approval of the Conclusion No. 1 of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia.

The Law on Allowances for Mothers and Single Mothers with Many Children provides for childcare allowances only for mothers who are caring a child under the age of three. The court considered that this limits access to benefits for fathers caring for their children in the same circumstances, and creates gender-based discrimination for parents caring for their children.

The Constitutional Court also noted in its conclusion that this regulation would indirectly impose greater responsibilities on mothers in childcare and limit the ability of parents to make equal choices.

The draft revision provides for the right of mothers and fathers caring for children under the age of three and twins under the age of four to receive benefits without duplication.

Lawmaker Ts.Sandagdorj said that if the bill is approved, 30 billion to 40 billion MNT will be required to fund it. 

Minister of Labor and Social Welfare A.Ariunzaya said, “In accordance with the draft revision, a budget of 6.5 billion MNT is required this year. Article 6.2.5 of the Budget Law stipulates that if any policy decision has the effect of reducing revenues or increasing expenditures in the middle of the fiscal year, it shall be implemented from the next fiscal year. However, the Constitutional Court ruled that the law should be amended and effective from July 1 this year. Therefore, the standing committee decided accordingly. Within the funding included in this year's budget, it is possible to decide the required budget. In other words, no budget amendments will be made in connection with the changes in this law.”

The Law on Allowances for Mothers and Single Mothers with Many Children was passed in 2017. With the adoption of the law, only mothers who are caring for their children under the age of three are receiving 50,000 MNT per month as childcare allowance.

During the session, Parliament approved the draft parliamentary resolution on measures to be taken in accordance with the adoption of the law, which was developed in connection with the draft revision of the Law on Cooperatives.

The draft resolution includes measures to make 2022 the “Year of Cooperative Development,” to update the registration of herder cooperatives within one year after the law is approved, to change the soum development fund to support cooperatives, to include funding from the annual state budget in the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund and the Employment Promotion Fund in order to increase employment and jobs, to promote legal regulation and tax environment throughout the country, and to include funding to support cooperatives in the 10 trillion MNT comprehensive plan.