
Judges Kh.Ider and D.Otgonbaatar suspended

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Judges Kh.Ider and D.Otgonbaatar suspended

On January 20, the Judicial Disciplinary Committee suspended judges Kh.Ider and D.Otgonbaatar and decided to cut judge Z.Boldbaatar’s salary by 30 percent for six months in accordance with Clause 18.8 of Article 27.1 of the Law on the Legal Status of Judges.

In 2021, a video of attorney B.Baasantsogt, judges Kh.Ider, Z.Boldbaatar and D.Otgonbaatar, and official of the Independent Authority Against Corruption P.Chuluunbaatar behaving inappropriately in an elevator was leaked.

Complaints about disciplinary action against judges were submitted to the Judicial Disciplinary Committee by Nekhuul and Darkhan Mongol Nogoon Negdel NGOs.

During the committee meeting on January 20, citizens protested outside the committee’s office, requesting that the meeting be open to the public. In response to citizens’ demands, the disciplinary committee replied, “The committee is reviewing this issue. The decision will be disclosed to the public. Due to the small size of the building, it is not possible to include the media. When a formal decision is made, we will introduce it openly.”

Attorney B.Baasantsogt is being charged in accordance with Article 12.6.1 of the Criminal Code regarding mediation and involvement of others in prostitution, and Article 22.5.1 regarding the transfer of material in connection with one’s official duties, powers, and position in order to create an advantage for oneself and others. It was revealed that large sums of money had been transferred to the bank accounts of several judges.