
Real life in ‘gray box’

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Real life in ‘gray box’

More than 130 artists who have articulated women’s social participation, equality and current issues in society through art have launched the “Gray Box” exhibition at the Art Gallery of the Union of Mongolian Artists.

Dollar's Children by B.Narmandakh

The exhibition features artworks that combine modern and traditional elements and highlights artists with diverse styles, from expressionism and hyperrealism to impressionism, abstraction and painterly styles. Ceramic pottery, installations and mixed media works are presented at the exhibition as well.

“Gray Box” is a reminder that women live in a society similar to a gray box where there are so many unnoticed and unimaginable problems. On the contrary, it reveals how much color, light, joy, passion, energy, consciousness and talent are hidden in this box. These artists’ masterpieces vary in style from the more abstract to realistic depictions of women and their daily life, yet the theme of a gray box is visible in all works.

"Cruel Silent Wall" by P.Pagmadulam

Moreover, their artworks seek to address many of the issues facing society today, including ecological imbalances, climate change, environmental degradation, air pollution, unplanned urban development, overcrowding, the lack of family and child protection services, and social attitudes. They hope to increase women’s participation by setting an example as art leaders and interacting with society through art.

I would like to highlight the “Unfounded Fear” painting from Ya.Bulgan’s collection. From this work, we can see how vulnerable women and children are biologically and physically. There are many men in Mongolia who are addicted to alcohol and the real family situation of these people is depicted in the painting. The neutral colors of this painting increase its realism and the combination of abstract painting style is perfectly in line with the artist’s intentions to reveal the true image of violent families in society.

"Unfounded Fear" by Ya.Bulgan

Moreover, the “Waiting” piece by S.Tugs-Oyun can immediately overwhelm visitors because of its color combination, intricate details, and strong message received upon closer inspection. The painting clearly depicts wives anxiously waiting for their husbands to come home at night. In the painting, a man is lying outside the apartment, with small details hinting that he is drunk. It directly illustrates a woman who is strong on the outside and kind-hearted on the inside.

"Waiting" by S.Tugs-Oyun

Like so, feel the space of the gray box from your own point of view and enjoy the unique artworks by female artists at this exhibition. The “Gray Box” exhibition is full of emotions and anyone can experience it free of charge before it wraps up on March 18.