
Experience of Chongqing city traffic control and regulation management studied

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Experience of Chongqing city traffic control and regulation management studied

Ulaanbaatar is introducing technologies such as RFID and integrated parking systems in the road transport sector as part of its digital transition. In this regard, the city authorities got acquainted with the operation of the electronic platform of road transport and parking management of Chongqing, China, and studied their experience. 

Chongqing completely digitized its road transport system, which has simplified traffic, congestion and vehicle control. For example, a card system was introduced at the time of issuing a number to a car, and a database was created to gather all the information about the vehicle. This solves the problem of allocating parking spaces through cards when arriving in hospitals, schools, or public events. It is also possible to pay insurance and road fees electronically through the card issued to the car.

General Manager of Ulaanbaatar and Head of the office of the Governor of the capital city M.Bayaraa informed, “Digitization of the road transport sector, including the introduction of an integrated vehicle control and regulation system, is rapidly progressing in Ulaanbaatar. This time, we have seen what further development is possible for the system we are introducing, and got acquainted with good examples and optimal solutions. For example, through the RFID system, road traffic and congestion information is displayed on citizens’ mobile phones through an application. People will participate in traffic by considering that information, so traffic congestion will be reduced.”