
Imported rice found contaminated

  • 2022
  • 0
Imported rice found contaminated

171.45 tons of rice imported were subjected to customs quarantine inspection and laboratory analysis at the “A mechanized class of loading and unloading transport expedition 1” customs control zone of the customs office in Ulaanbaatar. According to the physical inspection and laboratory analysis of the customs inspection, it was found that the foreign quarantined Surinamese flour beetle was heavily contaminated with dead, broken abdominal parts and peeling larvae.

Based on Article 9.1.1 of the Law on Quarantine Control and Inspection of Animals, it is prohibited to bring products across the country border following Article 13.1.1 of the Law. Also, the Surinamese flour beetle mentioned in the agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of South Korea on cooperation in the field of plant protection and quarantine, was inspected in two tests, and according to the law, the importing company will return it to the exporting country. It was decided to destroy it because it was stated that it was irresponsible, but it could not be returned.

The General Customs Authority warned that:

  • Enterprises importing food products should carefully study the laws, relevant rules, and regulations related to the foreign trade of Mongolia and participate in foreign trade.
  • The sale and purchase agreement with the official contracted distributor of the exporting country’s factories and factories should reflect the appropriate requirements for quality, safety, storage, transportation, and disinfection of vehicles.