
Teachers’ capacity to be improved

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Teachers’ capacity to be improved

In November 2022, “Teach for Mongolia” became an official member of the “Teach For All” international organization that works to increase access to education and reduce inequality in more than 60 countries.

Teach for Mongolia NGO works to improve access to education and create opportunities for every child to create the future they want by selecting young leaders who are committed to making positive changes in society and working as main teachers for two years in secondary schools with a shortage of teachers.

On April 6, the Government implementing agency, the General Authority for Education (GAfE), has expressed that it will continue to support this program at the policy level. As a result, the head of the General Authority for Education T. Nyam-Ochir, and the Executive Director of the “Teach for Mongolia” NGO G.Gantushig, signed a memorandum of cooperation, and this cooperation will continue for a period of five years.

Head of the General Authority for Education T.Nyam-Ochir said, “Through this program, it will be possible to support and work together in general education schools with a shortage of teachers in rural areas by appointing main teachers, providing them with regular training and development, and providing methodological support and assistance.”

In the medium-term development plan of the education sector, Mongolia needs a total of 32,000 new general education teachers by 2030. Therefore, there is a great need to prepare new young and excellent teachers.

Executive Director of the “Teach for Mongolia” NGO G.Gantushig said, “Within the framework of the program, in the academic year 2022 to 2024, we will send 16 participants to secondary schools in Bayankhongor, Govisumber, Dornod, Khuvsgul, Khentii, Selenge, Darkhan-Uul provinces to teach mathematics, history, social science, information technology, Physical Education, Mongolian language, and English language." 

The 2023 to 2025 enrollment of the program will be held until April 20, and young people with a desire to make a real contribution to rural areas and communities through the field of education with a bachelor’s degree or higher can send their applications.