
More lenok offspring to be put in Tuul River

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More lenok offspring to be put in Tuul River

The non-government organizations such as “Tuul Mother Fund” and “JCI Progress” have planned to put 300,000 lenok offspring to the Tuul River this year as part of the “Million Fish” project that has been implemented since 2019. Over the past four years, the project has put 200,000 lenok offspring to be deliberately bred in a laboratory environment, and by 2023, they have set a goal of reaching half a million fish. Previously, they used to keep their breeding stock in the Bustei River of Khuvsgul Province, and the Chuluut River of Arkhangai Province. But this time, from April 25 to May 5, they are planning to go along three routes and catch a small amount of atuu (female fish), and atuukh (male fish).

Lenok or Asiatic trout is called a freshwater indicator fish. Therefore, this project was initiated to protect the Tuul River from pollution and degradation and to maintain the population of other aquatic animals. When a fish reproduces naturally, only a small part of one percent lives. However, 60 to 80 percent of them grow up as seedlings when they are bred on purpose.