
Ulaanbaatar International Investment and Partnership Forum held

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Ulaanbaatar International Investment and Partnership Forum held

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on April 17. Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar gave 19 tasks at the previous meeting. For example, it was ordered to intensify the work on prevention of possible dangers and accidents during the construction work, creation of environmental safety and monitoring. In this context, a duplicated number of 733 citizens, enterprises, and organizations were sent notices about ensuring the safety of construction work.

"Ulaanbaatar International Investment and Partnership Forum" is planned to be held on April 20. First Deputy Governor in charge of Economy and Infrastructure J.Sandagsuren presented about the preparations for the forum. He said, “Preparations are being made to hold the forum in the new Khangardi building in Yaarmag. Invitations were sent to international and partner organizations. More than 120 representatives of international organizations expressed their requests to participate. More than 100 foreign guests will arrive. The website of the forum is put into use and registration is being done.”

It is planned to conclude 15 memorandums of cooperation within the framework of the forum. The Mayor ordered to ensure a thorough preparation.

KFC not to construct any buildings in National Garden Park

Misinformation about KFC to execute landscaping in the National Garden Park is being spread online. Landscaping work will be executed on 1.1 hectares of the park with a total investment of 2.5 billion MNT without destroying the green areas. Trade and services will not run and buildings or houses will not be constructed. The National Garden Park and KFC are working to create a comfortable environment for the elderly, disabled citizens, children and youth. KFC did not change the basic design concept or general plan, and only planned to renew the one-meter-wide sidewalk to five meters. The Mayor emphasized that the participation of the private sector should be ensured within the framework of laws and regulations.

Intensification of day trading in public areas ordered

At the end of the regular meeting, the Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar gave the following tasks.

- To thoroughly prepare for the "Ulaanbaatar-International Investment and Partnership Forum" to be held on April 20, and the leaders of relevant professional organizations to participate actively

- To intensify and present the implementation of the 2023 Mayor's order on some measures to improve the operation of the vehicle parking lot

- To intensify the day trading in public areas and identify the locations

- In connection with the increasing of the traffic of children and youths, to prevent crimes, violations and road accidents, to organize joint child protection measures every quarter, and to monitor their implementation.