
Collaboration to attract young Japanese tourists established

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-08-09
  • 462
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Collaboration to attract young Japanese tourists established

The Mongolia Tourism Organization has announced a new collaboration with the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Mongolia Office, aiming to significantly increase the influx of Japanese tourists to our country. This partnership will involve implementing a strategic, phased approach designed to attract a broader range of visitors.

A significant number of Japanese tourists visiting Mongolia are in the different age brackets. In particular, data from the previous year shows that more than 70 percent of these tourists were aged 51 and older, with approximately 30 percent being over the age of 70. In contrast, only about nine percent of the tourists were between the ages of 19 and 35.

The parties have outlined a plan to focus on increasing the flow of younger tourists and attracting younger audiences to fix this imbalance. This effort will include the development of targeted media campaigns. The strategy involves leveraging popular social media platforms such as YouTube, which are frequented by younger people, to disseminate engaging content about Mongolia’s tourism offerings.

The media campaigns will be designed to showcase Mongolia’s diverse travel experiences, appealing to the interests and preferences of younger travelers. This will include creating content that highlights adventure travel, cultural exploration, and educational experiences, aimed at capturing the attention of a broad age range. This approach is intended to foster a more balanced visitor demographic, enhance Mongolia’s appeal as a diverse and engaging travel destination and create a more diverse and inclusive tourism environment in Mongolia.