
Mongolian entrepreneurs to meet U.S. President Barack Obama

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Mongolian entrepreneurs to meet U.S. President Barack Obama

Mongolian entrepreneurs B.Khongorzul and B.Amartaivan are taking part in the seventh annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, from June 22 to 24, according to the U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar. The forum has gathered more than 700 attendees, including entrepreneurs, investors, educators, foreign government officials, and business representatives, who represent the full measure of entrepreneurial talent from diverse backgrounds across the world. They are attending two plenary sessions in addition to breakout sessions and master classes. This year, President Barack Obama is joining the entrepreneurs along with other high-level U.S. government officials, including Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Administrator of the Small Business Administration Maria Contreras-Sweet, Administrator of USAID Gayle Smith, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Catherine Russell, and Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Richard Stengel. The GES 2016 is the seventh installment in a series previously hosted by the United States and the governments of Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Morocco, and Kenya. B.KhongorzulB.Khongorzul, representing Mongolia in this year’s GES, is a feminist and advocate for women and children's rights, fighting for gender equality and all things equal and just. After graduating the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of the Tufts University with Foreign Fulbright Scholarship in 2014, B.Khongorzul worked at the Breakthrough Communications in Ulaanbaatar before getting to her current position as a public outreach and stakeholder engagement specialist at the National Secretariat for Development of the Second Compact of the Millennium Challenge Corporation in the U.S.A. b.amartaivan1Innovative entrepreneur B.Amartaivan is a graduate of the School of Information Technology at the National University of Mongolia, who won second place in the Mongolian National Olympiad in Informatics in 2014. He previously led two IT projects, Duran Khar and MobiStadium. Currently, he is working as the project team leader of product aimed to improve video watching experiences.