
More than 4 million tons of coal exported to China through Gashuunsukhait

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More than 4 million tons of coal exported to China through Gashuunsukhait

China reported that a total of 4.3 million tons of coal was exported through the Gashuunsukhait Port as of the first half of 2016. The figure was up by 23 percent in comparison to the same period in 2015. Industry analysts say that coal supply from Mongolia is increasing as coal exploration is in decline in China. Despite the coal supply increase, coal reserves at Gashuunsukhait Port’s warehouse have decreased over the past two months. Chinese Customs reported that as of May 2016, Mongolia has supplied 46 percent of China’s coking coal consumption. Even though export volume was high, income was lower than it was in 2015 due to the falling prices for coal. The National Statistical Office reported that Mongolia earned 222 million USD from exports as of the first five months of 2016, which was a figure down by 20 million USD compared to 2015.