
MNCCI registers businesses to take part in the Foodex Japan trade fair

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MNCCI registers businesses to take part in the Foodex Japan trade fair

The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) is registering domestic entities interested in taking part in the 2017 Foodex Japan trade fair, which is going to be organized from March 7 to 10, in Chiba, Japan. The international food and beverages trade fair is being jointly organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). JETRO is cooperating in the trade fair to provide businesses from developing countries with the opportunity to become familiar with Japan’s food sector and support them in entering the Japanese market. Domestic entities interested in participating in the trade fair need to submit a registration application to the MNCCI by July 29. The MNCCI will submit the application to JETRO’s Representative Office in Mongolia to enable their participation. The trade fair's organizers say that around 3,000 companies take part in the trade fair, which sees around 77,000 visitors each year.