
Telecommunications and postal revenue growing

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Telecommunications and postal revenue growing

Bloomberg TV Mongolia reported that the income of the nation’s telecommunications and postal sector have reached their highest point in the last three years. The National Registration and Statistical Office reported that the income of the sectors’ companies equaled 363.4 billion MNT as of the first half of 2016, which was a figure up by 2.6 percent in comparison to 2015. In the second quarter of 2016, the sectors’ revenue reached 194.2 billion MNT, which was a result up by 15 percent over the first quarter, and up by 6.2 percent compared to the same period in 2015. The majority of the combined revenue was generated by mobile phone service providers. They earned 239.3 billion MNT as of the first six months of 2016, making up two-thirds of the sector’s income. The number of mobile phone users, which has drastically dropped since the third quarter of 2015, started increasing in the last quarter. As of the end of 2016, over 3.5 million mobile phone users were registered, which was a figure up by 3.6 percent compared to the same period in 2015.