
KOPIA discusses agricultural development in Ulaanbaatar

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KOPIA discusses agricultural development in Ulaanbaatar

Last Friday, authorities of the Korean Project of International Agriculture (KOPIA) Centers in Asia held a meeting in Ulaanbaatar to discuss agricultural improvement in developing countries. KOPIA is a set of programs being realized in 20 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, aimed to introduce modern agricultural technology in developing countries, increase their agricultural exports, build capacity and expand their foreign friendly cooperation. During the meeting, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia Oh Song said, “KOPIA Mongolia Center,since its establishment in 2014, has been successfully leading the Elite Seed Production Project for cereal crops, which are planted on 90 percent of Mongolia’s crop farming fields. By introducing the technology for the production of elite seed to the crop farmers, harvesting can go up by 25 to 30 percent”. The Ambassador said that KOPIA Mongolia Center has launched projects in three sectors, and said he hoped the Mongolian side would make contributions to help Korean agrarian technology to penetrate Mongolian agriculture. He presented the meeting attendees with progress made by the KOPIA Cambodia Center, which has led KOPIA communities around the world in performance in 2015. The center has been implementing a project on model chicken farming to improve the incomes and financial independence of farmers. With the successful introduction of corn planting and meat chicken farming expertise, the cost of chicken fodder has been reduced by 23 percent and the loss of chickens went down from 27 to 5 percent. Ambassador Oh said that under the project a total of 43,000 USD has been saved and that the organization is dedicated to improving the financial independence of vulnerable farming households. Directors from KOPIA Centers in Mongolia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Myanmar, and Laos took part in the meeting.