
Invest Mongolia 2016 to take place next month

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Invest Mongolia 2016 to take place next month

The nation's biggest investors forum, Invest Mongolia 2016, will be held from September 5 to 6, in Ulaanbaatar. This year, the forum is expected to attract more participants than usual, with many foreign investors and businesses interested in finding out if Mongolia will carry out policy favorable for foreign investors. The forum will focus on assessments of the government's action plan for the next four years, and if the new government will take investorfriendly measures. The forum's participants will hear presentations about how to gain investor trust and will work on suggestions that will be delivered to the Cabinet. The forum will include an overview of the Mongolian economy, including updates on legal, accounting, and other regulatory changes; the launch of Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank and its involvement in developing infrastructure in Mongolia; and the importance of the Asia-Europe Meeting Summit to Mongolia and other countries. Organizers highlight that issues concerning the progress of the Oyu Tolgoi underground mine and other major projects, as well as their impact on the economy; Mongolia’s banking industry and its strategies; the development of non-mining sectors, including real estate; the outlook on the bond market; and challenges for refinancing ahead of 2017 will be discussed at the forum.