
Largest solar power station in Mongolia’s history begins operations

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Largest solar power station  in Mongolia’s history begins operations

The largest solar power station in Mongolia’s history, the 10MW station in Darkhan-Uul Province, has officially started operations and is providing electricity to the region's power grid. January 19 marked the official opening ceremony for the power station built by the domestic company Solar Power International, in cooperation with the Japanese companies Sharp Corporation and Shigemitsu Shoji. The Energy Regulatory Commission noted that the opening of the new solar power station is a new chapter in the development of renewable energy in the country. They highlighted the opportunities Mongolia has for advancements in the renewable energy sector, specifically solar and wind. Since Mongolia has an average of 250 sunny days each year, the new solar power station acts as a catalyst to further develop solar energy in the country. Trial runs at the solar power station began in December 2016, in order to test the capabilities of the station. The 10MW station will produce 15.2 million kWh and prevents 14.76 tons of greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere. The extreme weather conditions and harsh winters of Mongolia were taken into account for the station, and it has been designed to withstand temperatures of up to -40 degrees Celsius.