
Prime Minister states that charitable contributions will not be used for bond repayment

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Prime Minister states that charitable contributions will not be used for bond repayment

Prime Minister J.Erdenbat stated that any charitable contributions made to the government will not be used to repay the state’s debt obligations. The announcement was made in response to economist B.Osorgarav’s call to individuals and businesses to contribute to a fund to help revive the economy. “The contributions are the charitable acts of citizens. The government did not ask for the fund to be created, nor has it asked for it to be stopped. We cannot turn away donations from people who want to contribute to the country,” the PM said. An account will be opened to direct contributions to B.Osorgarav’s fund to the Government Resource Fund. The PM delegated the responsibility of reporting on the contributions to Finance Minister B.Choijilsuren. J.Erdenebat reiterated statements he made in January, saying that the government has already found a way to repay its bond debt. He reported that any charitable contributions received will be directed to health and education, as well as air pollution eradication efforts. The PM noted that people who contribute to the fund will be awarded certificates of appreciation and be thanked officially.