
Gobi Wolf 2016 disaster preparedness exercise commences

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Gobi Wolf 2016 disaster preparedness exercise commences

Training in Orkhon-Uul Province Training in Orkhon-Uul Province[/caption] Gobi Wolf 2016, a U.S. and Mongolian exercise focused on training for earthquake-readiness, commenced on April 4. Over 100 people from the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia, the U.S. Army Pacific, Mongolian Ministry of Defense, the National Emergency Management Agency, and international relief agencies participated in the Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange program initiative, which took place in Ulaanbaatar and Orkhon-Uul Province.  Researchers have identified Ulaanbaatar and Orkhon-Uul Province as high-risk seismic zones in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is located at the junction of two highly active seismic activity zones. Due to blasts that take place every Wednesday and Friday at Orkhon-Uul Province’s Erdenet ore processing factory, the center of the province regularly experiences vibrations, adding to earthquake damage risk potential.  This year’s Gobi Wolf focused on strengthening and enhancing national and local disaster management plans, earthquake preparedness plans, civil-military cooperation management during a natural disaster, and the country’s ability to respond to international humanitarian assistance and recover from an emergency situation. Gobi Wolf, which has been organized since 2009, is a civil-military initiative that focuses on regional readiness in response to natural and man-made disasters. Gobi Wolf identifies the best practices and lessons learned across the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief spectrum.