
Swimming pool and fitness facility opens in Khan-Uul District

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Swimming pool and fitness facility opens in Khan-Uul District

By M.OYUNGEREL A swimming pool and fitness facility opened in the 16th khoroo of Khan-Uul District, west of Buyant-Ukhaa School No.7, on April 8. The facility, built by Aziin Erin LLC, includes a swimming pool, a sauna, and a fitness club. Spokesperson for the Khan-Uul District said it is providing Khan-Uul District with a recreation center that will help them become healthy and fit. The facility is currently employing 18 staff members. The three-lane swimming pool is 7x25 meters, 1.7 to two meters deep, and can accommodate 16 to 18 people per hour. The swimming pool is treated with ozone disinfection and chlorination every 24 hours. The fitness club has modern exercise equipment and can accommodate eight to 10 people per hour. The sauna includes showers and a resting room, and can hold up to four people per hour.