
State housing program sees setbacks due to insufficient funding

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State housing program sees setbacks due to insufficient funding

Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs Kh.Nyambaatar got acquainted with the activities of the ministry’s agencies and departments.

He expressed his view on the four construction projects under the state housing program. The construction of Lawyers' Town for 840 households in Khan-Uul District, which is planned to be commissioned this year, is 80 percent complete. The minister instructed to commission two of the apartment buildings for 240 households by October. The rest of the apartments will be built within this year.

He also warned that the construction client and contractor will hold a meeting and speed up the work. The contractor was in financial difficulties due to the untimely disbursement of funds for the construction of apartments for 240 households. In accordance with the Law on Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Pandemic, the minister instructed to take measures to get a loan from other commercial banks.

In the case of the Police-Amgalan Town, the construction of the last apartments has also stopped due to no funding. The working group was instructed to resolve this issue within 14 days. The town will be handed over to the state commission in December.

The defense minister also instructed the Investment Department of the Capital City to finance the construction of a kindergarten for 240 children.

In addition, the relevant officials were instructed to resolve the funding required for the construction of the Law Enforcement Town-1 and organize a business meeting for mutual understanding.

Kh.Nyambaatar instructed to implement the Digital Mongolia program, to centralize the one-stop service center in subdistricts, as well as to provide property rights services to citizens, legal entities of subdistricts.

He also instructed the General Authority for State Registration to reflect the government's action plan for 2020 to 2024 and develop relevant rules and regulations within this year.

Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs Kh.Nyambaatar and his deputy S.Baatarjav held a virtual meeting with police officers and military personnel.

Kh.Nyambaatar said that the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs will pay attention to development police operation and resolving citizens' complaints and requests. He also noted that he will focus on balancing the workload of inspectors and improving the quality of the case-solving process.

Deputy Minister S.Baatarjav said, “Police officers must always remember that you must work responsibly on behalf of all employees, and ensure that you are meeting high ethical standards. The government of Mongolia and the Ministry of
Justice and Home Affairs will work to effectively implement their policies and guidelines.”