
Improvement of national education system discussed

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Improvement of national education system discussed

On September 4, a forum on improving the national education system was held at the State Palace.

At the opening of the forum, lawmaker Ch.Undram said, “Mongolia must improve its national secondary school curriculum to meet its needs, requirements and goals. There are a total of 721 regular, 15 vocational, 70 advanced, 6 special and 8 international schools in Mongolia. Some 308 students are studying in three shifts nationwide, and there are 35 schools in Ulaanbaatar and 6 schools in provinces that are overcrowded. Therefore, this issue needs to be addressed realistically.”

Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science J.Munkhbat emphasized that there should be no politicization in education and everyone should discuss and make the right decision.

Lawmaker Ts.Munkhtsetseg said, “The state education policy should focus on providing equal and inclusive education to every child, the government should support non-profit educational institutions, increase the value of teachers in society, and ensure social security.”

During the discussion, Professor of the National University of Mongolia (NUM) D.Bum-Ochir made a presentation on educational colonization. He said that Anglo-American knowledge colonization is gaining momentum. “As a result of colonial knowledge, national heritage is in danger of being lost,” he added.

Addressing the issue of funding for education, Professor of the Mongolian State University of Education (MSUE) S.Tumendelger highlighted that whether public funds should be used to fund the Cambridge program at a higher cost or used to improve access to and quality of public education services must be decided.

Lawmaker N.Uchral noted that equal education is important. “We must prepare for a competitive future in the world,” he said.

Independent lawmaker N.Altankhuyag said, “Article 14.2 of the Constitution of Mongolia stipulates that no one shall be discriminated against on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, language, race, age, sex, social origin, status, wealth, occupation, position, religion, opinion or education. However, the Cambridge program in a few schools should not be used to create disparities in education.”

The forum was attended by some lawmakers, representatives of the Office of the President, Ministry of Education and Science, NUM, MSUE, secondary schools in Ulaanbaatar, Education Reform Movement, and academics and researchers.