
State prize conferred to 4 medical teams

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State prize conferred to 4 medical teams

On February 8, President Kh.Battulga issued a decree on awarding state prizes in accordance with Article 33.1.7 of the Constitution and Article 15.1 of the Law on President of Mongolia, conferring the state prize to four teams in the health sector.

In particular, the president conferred the state prize to members of the liver transplant team of the First State Central Hospital (FSCH) for the introduction of liver transplantation in Mongolia and recognition of their significant contribution to the development of Mongolian medicine since 2011.

The team headed by Honored Medical Doctor O.Sergelen includes Director of Cell and Organ Transplantation Coordination Office at the National Center for Health Development P.Batchuluun, Head of Department of Gastroenterology at the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUME) D.Davaadorj, Director of Intensive Care at the Anesthesia and Emergency Center of FSCH D.Chuluunbaatar, Head of Anesthesia and Emergency Department at MNUME L.Ganbold, Professor of MNUME S.Erdene, Chief Surgeon of FSCH L.Amgalan, Deputy Head of Treatment Department of the hospital O.Bayarmaa, and medical imaging consultant of Durvun Bileg Hospital B.Erdenebileg.

Liver transplant team

Members of the kidney transplant team of the FSCH received the award for their contribution to the introduction of kidney transplantation in Mongolia. In 1996, the team introduced kidney transplantation, making a significant contribution to the development of Mongolian medicine. They successfully performed kidney transplants on 233 patients to date.

The team headed by Head of the Urology and Andrology Center of FSCH D.Bayan-Undur includes medical consultant of the Andrology Center D.Nyamsuren, Director of the Center of Mongolian Korean Oriental Medicine L.Jambaljav, consultant surgeon of Mungun Guur Hospital B.Tumurbaatar, Director of Enerel Hospital B.Byambadash, Head of the Laboratory of FSCH J.Sarantsetseg, and clinical professors B.Byambadorj and B.Oyunbileg.

Kidney transplant team

The president also conferred the state prize to members of the cleft lip and palate repair surgery and treatment team, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health (NCMCH). They co-introduced comprehensive treatment and surgery for cleft lip and palate in Mongolia.

Since 1999, the team has been conducting research and development of cleft lip and palate, developed diagnostic and treatment methods and standards, and successfully introduced them into clinical practice. Some 3,280 children underwent surgery for cleft lip and palate.

The team headed by Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at NCMCH G.Ayanga includes surgeons J.Erdenetsogt, D.Tserendulam and M.Erdenesaikhan, and speech-language pathologists B.Bulgan.

Cleft lip and palate repair surgery and treatment team

Members of the artificial joint replacement surgery team, the National Trauma and Orthopedic National Center (NTONC) who co-introduced artificial knee and hip replacement surgery and treatment in Mongolia, received the prize. Since 1999, the team has successfully performed 3,000 knee and hip replacements.

The team headed by clinical professor S.Otgongerel includes Head of Clinical Department of NTONC B.Batzorig, Head of Department of Bone and Arthritis S.Sukhbat, clinical professor R.Bayartulga and Head of Anesthesia Department J.Tumen-Ulzii.

Artificial joint replacement surgery team