
Temporary committee established for Ulaanbaatar’s development policy

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Temporary committee established for Ulaanbaatar’s development policy

During its plenary session on May 28, Parliament approved the parliamentary resolution on the establishment of a temporary committee in charge of the development policy of Ulaanbaatar.

Lawmakers elected from Ulaanbaatar agreed to work together to discuss and comprehensively address many issues facing Ulaanbaatar at the district, capital city and government levels.

The temporary committee on Ulaanbaatar’s development policy will work to improve the legislation in line with the constitutional reform, seek to create a legal environment for tax incentives and exemptions, and issue concessions and bonds in the capital to improve the current economic situation.

On May 27, the Standing Committee on State Structure discussed the draft resolution of on the establishment of the temporary committee submitted by 23 legislators on May 21, 2021.

At the meeting of the standing committee, there were no fundamental differences of opinion on the draft resolution. Therefore, lawmakers supported the proposal of parliamentarian Kh.Nyambaatar to approve the draft resolution in the first reading in accordance with Article 39.22 of the Law on Parliamentary Procedure.

Parliament also discussed the draft amendment to the Law on Social Insurance. The draft amendment to the Law on Social Insurance was developed to reduce pension insurance premiums paid by employers to 9.5 percent and insurers to 8.5 percent. A total of 94 billion MNT is needed to implement the draft amendment to the Law on Social Insurance from July 1, according to legislator M.Oyunchimeg.

During the session, the final discussion of the draft amendment to the Law on Procedures for Applying Social Insurance Law was postponed.

In line with the concept of the draft amendment to the Law on Social Insurance, there is a need to amend the Law on the Procedure for Applying Social Insurance Law, which regulates the period of increase of pension insurance premiums to be paid by employers and insurers.

This week, meetings of political party caucuses in Parliament and the standing committees, and plenary session will not convene as per the decision of the Speaker’s Council. However, parliamentary working group meetings will be held.