
Tourists generated income worth 60 million USD

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Tourists generated income worth 60 million USD

Since the beginning of this year, Mongolia received 102,528 tourists, an increase of 36 percent compared to the same period last year.

Winter Festival is one of the many events organized to promote Mongolia’s  winter tourism, traditions, heritage, and unique culture. About 10,000 people participated in this event, including 26 tourists from Buryat Republic, Tuvan Republic, Kalmyak, and Inner Mongolia. More than 400 athletes from 21 provinces, 450 from the capital and 500 spectators participated in the competition. Moreover, Eagle Festival organized near Ulaanbaatar attracted 19 eagle hunters and about 8,000 people of which more than 600 were foreign tourists. About 60 percent of these tourists, who came mostly from Russia, Korea, and China, visited Ulaanbaatar and contributed 60 million USD to the Capital citybudget.

Head of the capital’s Tourism Department, D.Batsukh said, “About 4,500 tourists came to  celebrate the New Year in Mongolia which has increased the number of tourists coming in the winter season. A tourism forum is being organized and cooperation agreements and negotiations are in progress. In addition, we are planning to participate in major tourism exhibitions in China, South Korea, Japan, and England.”

In 2019, our country received the largest number of tourists, which was 577,000.