
U.Khurelsukh keeps prime ministerial position

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U.Khurelsukh keeps prime ministerial position

During the seventh session of the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) on July 1, Chairman of MPP U.Khurelsukh was nominated to continue to serve as prime minister. The proposal was later submitted to the president.

The session was attended by 189 members, with 97 percent of members of MPP participating via video call.

During the meeting, U.Khurelsukh said, “Thank you to the people for choosing 62 candidates of our party for Parliament. We must earn the trust and hope of our citizens, and complete the work we have begun.”


G.Zandanshatar, who was reappointed as speaker of the new Parliament formed as a result of the 2020 parliamentary election, and Secretary-General of MPP D.Amarbayasgalan submitted the proposal on reappointing U.Khurelsukh as prime minister to President Kh.Battulga on July 1.

The president decided to pass the matter onto Parliament.

D.Amarbayasgalan thanked the president for accepting the proposal to discuss the nominee for prime minister, and said that the policy will be stable and prompt in overcoming economic difficulties.

The Law on Parliamentary Procedure stipulates, “In accordance with Article 39.2 of the Constitution of Mongolia, the Standing
Committee on State Structure shall consider the proposal to appoint a nominee as a prime minister within three working days after the president of Mongolia submits it to Parliament.”

In this regard, on July 2, the Standing Committee on State Structure convened to discuss it with an attendance of 57.9 percent.

Chief of Staff to the President U.Shijir introduced the proposal submitted by President Kh.Battulga to appoint U.Khurelsukh as prime minister.

There were no questions and proposals from members of the standing committee, and the majority of the members supported the proposal and decided to submit it to Parliament.

On the same day, during the first session, Parliament discussed the proposal on the appointment of the prime minister.

During its plenary session on July 2, Parliament supported to reappoint U.Khurelsukh as prime minister. 

Thanking the people of Mongolia for supporting MPP and lawmakers for reappointing him as prime minister, U.Khurelsukh said,
“Now we have to work hard to earn the trust of the people. We are expected to resolve the issue of debt worth 2.9 billion USD over the next four years. We also feel that the new government will carry a heavy burden in difficult times.”

He highlighted four major goals for the next four years.

“First, let's change from an importer to an exporter! The commissioning of the refinery will help absorb the flow of the dollar domestically, avoid fluctuations in world oil prices, meet the country's fuel needs and increase economic growth.”

“Second, let's establish justice in society and become e-Mongol. One of the key issues for the country's development is to accelerate the development of information technology and telecommunications. The government will pay special attention to this sector. Within the framework of this work, the transfer of public
services to electronic form will be started within the first 100 days of the government.”

“Third, let’s improve the quality of life and expand the middle class. The core of our government's policy will be the development of the Mongolian family. We are starting to build apartments and rental apartments on a regional basis.”

“A unified savings fund system will be introduced. Health insurance, scholarships, pensions, and benefits will be decided by a
single fund.”

“Social welfare policies will be implemented more effectively. We will also build 200 new schools and 273 kindergartens to provide quality education to children and create employment opportunities for their parents.”

“Fourth, let's ensure a proper balance between urban and rural development. Herders and livestock are the basis of Mongolian life and existence. Therefore, special attention will be paid to the implementation of the state policy for herders.”

“The government will improve rural infrastructure and build an industrial complex for processing livestock raw materials.”

“We will establish a decentralization system, establish satellite cities in the capital city, and deepen the implementation of fiscal and tax policies that support rural development,” he said.

During the session, some lawmakers expressed their views and asked questions from the prime minister. In particular, lawmaker B.Purevdorj asked about the plan to revive the economy and when Mongolia will be removed from the FATF grey list.

U.Khurelsukh responded, “As the new government is formed, the state budget will be amended. Mongolia will exit the grey
list. Relevant documents have already been submitted. A working group is working on it.”

Lawmaker S.Ganbaatar noted that the work of the prime minister is the main pillar of the country's development.

Moreover, the prime minister said that the government will focus on seven issues on providing the country with food, housing, oil and gas, electricity, and justice in civil service.

U.Khurelsukh graduated from the Mongolian National Defense University with a bachelor’s degree in politics in 1989. He studied law at the National University of Mongolia.